The Real Media Collective (TRMC) has forged a partnership with standard development organisation, Responsible Wood, which manages the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) in A/NZ.
TRMC has long held the regional licence for Two Sides, promoting the environmental credentials of paper and print products across the A/NZ region, and announced earlier this year that the Two Sides campaign would be extended in 2022 to a consumer campaign – Love Paper.
It is in support of these two campaigns that Responsible Wood has determined strong industry support and partnership with the industry body.
“As an industry we are one of the highest certified manufacturing industries with a very strong environmental record. Paper, our largest raw material, is renewable, recyclable and sourced from sustainably managed forests. Our industry, and TRMC, supports sustainably managed forestry both locally and internationally as this ensures ‘reforestation’, sustainable employment and eradication of illegal logging practices,” TRMC CEO Kellie Northwood said.
“Working in partnership with organisations like Responsible Wood is a wonderful opportunity for our campaigns and also for our members to have access to a global brand and resource library.”
The partnership will include initial focus on campaign content, research and promotion across mutually beneficial audiences as well as amplifying the messages of Two Sides and Love Paper to wider audiences.
In the new year, there will also be a TRMC certification review to build educational sessions with commercial print members of printer schemes and other programs to reduce costs and procedures managing certification processes.
“Responsible Wood have long worked with many common members of TRMC, including working with the Two Sides campaign locally and internationally, the opportunity to support the Love Paper campaign and build a stronger partnership with the paper and print sector is something we are committed to and looking forward to working closer together on various initiatives,” Responsible Wood CEO Simon Dorries said.
Responsible Wood, TRMC executives and board officers also met earlier this month to provide an overview to approach, including COP26 Deforestation commitments across A/NZ.
TRMC said industry positions will be communicated into government to ensure an accurate representation of the sector is provided.
“Following COP26, TRMC has met with several industry leaders and is preparing a strong carbon emissions, energy and deforestation education, communication and toolkit strategy for our members throughout 2022 and beyond. It is critical as a large manufacturing energy consumer, that our industry is well prepared and informed to be ahead of any government targets and commitments moving forward,” Northwood added.