Packamama wins Charles Sturt University Sustainable Packaging Innovation Challenge

Above: Hannah Arkell and Alex Adda.

Packamama has emerged victorious in the Charles Sturt University Sustainable Packaging Innovation Challenge, announced at the Showcase Event in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. The packaging company triumphed over eight other finalists, standing out among 150 applicants.

The Sustainable Packaging Innovation Challenge, organised by Charles Sturt University Agrisciences Research and Business Park (AgriPark) and The Growth Drivers, aims to tackle the pressing packaging challenges within the wine and fresh food industries. The initiative, supported by Coles Liquor, Endeavour Group, Wine Australia, Planet Ark, Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), and Meat and Livestock Australia, brings together innovative minds to develop sustainable solutions.

The showcase event commenced with a welcome speech by Hon. Michael McCormack, MP for Riverina, and an insightful Q&A session with Shae Courtney, national Quality and Sustainability manager at Coles Liquor. The momentum continued with dynamic pitches from eight teams, each addressing environmental challenges to meet industry needs head-on.

Packamama’s Winning Solution

Represented by Alex Adda, Sales & Sustainability manager from Sydney, and Hannah Arkell, Business Development executive from Melbourne, Packamama showcased its groundbreaking sustainable packaging solution for wine – the eco-flat wine bottle made from 100% Australian recycled PET. Its challenge solution proposition and pitch, developed over months of collaboration with Santiago Navarro, CEO & founder in London, distinguished them from seven other competitors. Adda delivered a compelling presentation that earned Packamama the top spot.

The Charles Sturt University Sustainable Packaging Innovation Challenge

The selected eight teams from 150 applicants received mentorship from a diverse group of experts from industry, government, commercial sectors, and research institutions, ensuring their innovations were tailored to meet practical, real-world applications. The challenge offered selected participants the opportunity to pitch their solutions to investors and key industry players.

The challenge focused on three key statements:

Minimising Carbon Footprint: Developing packaging solutions that reduce the carbon footprint at every stage of their lifecycle.

Capturing Packaging Value: Innovating to enhance the value of packaging after its first use.

Novel Sustainable Products: Creating new packaging products and formats that appeal to emerging consumer markets and are environmentally sustainable.

Nick Pagett, executive director of AgriPark, said: “The showcase event is not just a celebration of months of hard work and creativity but a testament to the power of collaboration between academia, industry, and government. We are excited to see the groundbreaking solutions our teams have developed, which will undoubtedly contribute to a more sustainable future for the wine and fresh food industries.”

Alex Adda, sales & sustainability manager at Packamama, said: “We are incredibly honoured to have won the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Challenge. This recognition fuels our motivation to drive impactful change in the wine industry. Our team is ready to continue pushing the agenda for sustainable packaging, ensuring that our innovations not only meet but exceed industry standards for sustainability. Hannah and I are committed to championing these advancements and are excited about the positive impact our work will have on the environment and our wine industry.”


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