Connected Packaging as a Digital Tool: Tetra Pak’s latest collab with Appetite Creative

It is the latest in digital technology rapidly transforming the food and beverage industry. Packaging is evolving beyond basic consumer convenience and product protection to include connectivity.

The challenge was to create a winter-themed connected packaging experience that would engage customers and provide valuable insights into their preferences and behaviours. Additionally, the campaign needed to seamlessly integrate seasonal content while maintaining a user-friendly interface and real-time data tracking functionalities.

Tetra Pak and Appetite Creative devised a solution that leveraged connected packaging technology to deliver an immersive and personalised experience for customers.

The web app-based platform offered an interactive personality quiz, generating customised winter drink recommendations based on user responses. Seasonal content was integrated into the existing framework, allowing real-time updates and modifications.

Furthermore, the campaign incentivised participation through a raffle for NutriBullet blenders, encouraging users to engage with the brand and share their experiences on social media.

The winter-themed connected packaging campaign proved to be a success, achieving the following results:

Enhanced Customer Engagement: The interactive personality quiz and personalised drink recommendations resonated with customers, leading to increased engagement with the brand.

Valuable Consumer Insights: Real-time data tracking provided Tetra Pak with valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviours, and purchasing habits, enabling the brand to optimise marketing strategies and product offerings.

Increased Brand Loyalty: The campaign fostered stronger connections between customers and the brand, driving loyalty and advocacy among consumers.

Social Media Amplification: The raffle for NutriBullet blenders incentivised users to share their experiences on social media, amplifying the reach of the campaign and generating buzz around the brand.

This is not the first time Tetra Pak has succeeded with a digital campaign.

A dairy producer in Southern Europe aimed to maintain its status as the consumers’ first choice after its milk product was voted product of the year despite a declining market. They needed to innovate and engage consumers interactively. Tetra Pak provided codifying packages to the mobile consumer app and campaign management tools. Consumers downloaded the app, scanned the printed code on the package, collected points, and won prizes.

Using Tetra Pak’s digital dashboard, the dairy producer monitored campaign results in real-time. By tracking performance, they made small adjustments to the app, ensuring the promotion’s success. The campaign engaged 17,000 users—three times the number expected from a traditional campaign. Users scanned the package 325,000 times, leading to a 16 percent increase in product sales and a reduction in claims, thanks to real-time monitoring.

Looking ahead, intelligent packaging will become the centrepiece of the connected value chain. For example, an intelligent package might communicate with smart appliances in a consumer’s home, providing instant information about what is in the fridge, how much is left, and when it will expire. Based on previous behaviour, food preferences, and favourite recipes, the package could suggest what to cook and offer to order missing ingredients. This will save time, reduce food waste, and enhance convenience. Given the pace of development on the internet and advances in packaging technology, this vision could become a reality sooner than later.

Tetra Pak’s innovative approach to packaging including its Connected Package platform and its Consumer Engagement and Track & Trace solutions demonstrate the profound impact digital technologies can have on the food and beverage industry, paving the way for a more connected and interactive future.


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