Hybrid Software completes over 1200 demonstrations at drupa 2024

Hybrid Software completed over 1200 demonstrations of its software on its exhibition stand at drupa bringing together all elements of the company’s business for the first time.

Hybrid Software CEO Mike Rottenborn told ProPack that there was some scepticism about the investment in drupa, but he believes the money spent represented a strong return on investment.

“A lot of the vendors were wondering if we put this much effort into drupa, who will come? Will our investment be rewarded? And it certainly has been. I’m excited to see drupa growing and drupa is back” Rottenborn told ProPack.

Hybrid Software completed over 120 demonstrations per day on its booth and Rottenborn said he was “very satisfied” by this result.

“This is the first time as an integrated company on one stand under the Hybrid Software name. It’s great to be here at drupa with all of our friends from Australia and New Zealand, especially our colleagues – Brenton King and Luke Brown – who are here for the duration of the show.”

To view a photo gallery of the Hybrid Software booth – click here

To hear more from Hybrid Software founder and CEO, Mike Rottenborn, click on the video below…

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