The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) will be hosting a virtual tour of Close the Loop, one of Australia’s leading circular economy companies, on 9 February.
During this virtual tour AIP members will be able to see how world-class product stewardship programs track hard to recycle products at end-of-life from collection, data capture, sorting, recycling and recovery.
Attendees will also see how products can be recovered and reused as a like product, or whether they are instead recovered for parts and/or recycling of raw materials.
The products being recycled include toner cartridges and bottles, cosmetics, electronics like power tools, and soft plastics from the Redcycle program.
Finished products manufactured at the Close the Loop facility from these recycled materials include TonerPlas, rFlex and rFlexible.
Click here to get an insight into the rapidly developing circular economy and how we can divert problematic plastics from landfill.