The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) has advised that its president and two board members have become the latest Certified Packaging Professionals (CPPs) for the Australasian region.
JBS packaging procurement category manager Jason Fields, Opal Fibre Packaging innovation manager George Ganzenmuller and Primo Foods packaging development manager Kevin Truong have 80 years of packaging experience between them and have received the CPP accreditation.
The CPP designation is a mark of excellence internationally and a must-have recognition of industry proficiency and achievement for packaging professionals. CPP credentials demonstrates that a packaging practitioner possesses packaging knowledge, experience and skills to the degree that they deserve recognition as a true packaging professional; a cut above their peers.
Attaining the CPP designation is an excellent investment in professional development and the credential defines the packaging professional and allows organisations to seek out and hire the right professional based on verified knowledge, skills and industry contributions.
According to Fields attaining the CPP designation was a significant personal achievement and his first formal packaging qualification since his first degree many years ago.
“Attaining the CPP is such a milestone for me, as whenever I see other people with the designation, I know I am talking to someone with strong technical industry knowledge who possesses the fundamental understanding of all packaging materials and understands how primary, secondary and tertiary packaging materials work as a total ‘package’,” he said.
“Now that I have my CPP I am extremely proud to be recognised as a part of this group of packaging professionals across the globe.”
Ganzenmuller added that he saw attaining the CPP as a great way to complement his earlier Diploma in Packaging Technology Degree and as a means of bridging his own knowledge base.
“I saw the CPP process as both a learning and validation process for my own career path, as well as a positive reinforcement with my work and industry collaborations. The CPP is an on-going process that prompts individuals to stay current, stay active within the profession, and most importantly encourages continual improvement and education in our chosen field within the industry,” he said.
“I feel the CPP program is a proactive and positive way to stay relevant, up-to-date and connected with the networks we create. It is the trust and respect within collaborative partnerships that helps drives success.”
Truong undertook the CPP program as he was looking for the next educational challenge after graduating from the Diploma in Packaging Technology.
“Applying for, and obtaining the CPP was a natural choice after spending nearly 14 years in the packaging industry. Obtaining the CPP designation not only ticks off one of my important career goals, but also makes me feel good,” he mentioned,
“For me the CPP designation is the true testament for the contributions that an individual makes in the packaging industry, be it directly or indirectly, so that said individual can be proud of their contributions and achievements thus far. I also look forward to contributing and achieving even more in the exciting future that this industry offers. A huge thank you must also go to the AIP for offering the CPP designation in the Australasian region.”
The CPP program is owned by the IoPP and is exclusively delivered through the AIP in Australasia and is internationally recognised by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO).