Australia and New Zealand has received 19 WorldStar Packaging Awards for 2023, coming in as the second most awarded region for the year. Caps & Closures came up top, receiving four accolades.
BioPak was also shortlisted for multiple awards – it received two accolades.
The full list of winners from A/NZ are:
- BioPak for its FSC Rectangle Paper Containers solution under the food category
- BioPak for its Sugarcane Pulp Hot and Cold Cups Lids solution under the beverages category
- Caps & Closures for its EzyGrip solution under the medical and pharmaceutical category
- Caps & Closures for the ThermoShield Temperature Monitoring System solution under the beverages category
- Caps & Closures for the IDShield Anti-Counterfeit System solution in the medical and pharmaceutical category
- Caps & Closures for the IDShield Anti-Counterfeit System solution in the labeling and decoration category
- Pact Group for the Norco 100 per cent rPET Milk Bottle solution in the beverages category
- O F Packaging/Close the Loop Group for the Koh Kerbside Recyclable Spout Pouch Refill Pack solution in the household category
- Amcor Flexibles Asia Pacific for the Ecotite R Barrier Shrink Bags solution under the food category
- Opal for its JBS Dunnage solution in the transit category
- Earthwise Group for its Earthwise Eco Laundry Scoop solution under the household category
- Brownes Dairy for its Craft Renewable Carton solution under the beverages category
- Coles Group for its Home Compostable Coffee Capsules solution under the beverages category
- Result Group, ATGA, Perfection Fresh, Vic Ag and GS1 Australia for the Australian Table Grapes Traceability Pilot under the fresh fruits and vegetables category
- Ingham’s NZ and Sealed Air NZ for the Ingham’s Waitoa Free-Range Chicken and Sealed Air Cryovac brand 80 per cent Recycled Content Barrier Pouch solution in the food category
- Nestlé Australia for the Smarties Range Paperisation solution under the food category
- Goodman Fielder for the Praise 100 per cent rPET Mayonaise Bottles solution in the food category
- MaCher for the Royal Australian Mint Standard Proof Coin Box solution under the other category
- EGO Pharmaceuticals for the etchðos solution under the health and personal care category
The awards, conducted by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO), saw a total of 228 winners from 41 countries commemorated, with the awards to be presented in a gala ceremony on May 6, during Interpack 2023, in Düsseldorf (Germany).
For the full list of global winners click here.
The winners for the special categories – President’s Award, Sustainability Award, Marketing Award and Packaging that Saves Food Award – will be announced at Interpack 2023.
“The WorldStars echo the importance of packaging innovation on a global level, fostering science, technology and innovation, recognising and encouraging packaging professionals to go beyond and engaging brands, packaging companies and design offices for greater possibilities,” WPO senior vice-president of marketing Luciana Pellegrino said.